Thaumaturgy Rank 2

Thaumaturgy Rank 2
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2 / 6
Prereqs: Thaumaturgy Rank 1, 25 Power Points, level 3
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 2:

Spell Verbal: I Pierce the Veil of Force to

  • …Detect Curse        3 Power Points      Instant
    • This spell will reveal to the caster whether or not the target character is cursed – as by a werewolf, a vampire, an eforie, etc. It does not reveal the type of curse or the number of curses on the character, only the fact that a character is cursed.


  • Sever Magic        4 Power Points        Instant
    • This spell destroys the magical link between a character and one of the active spells they have cast. The spell must be cast on the character that is actively controlling the spell. Sever Magic spell can be used against an Enslave, Dominate, Dominate Undead, Command Undead, Wall of Flame, Wall of Force, the undead creation spells, etc. This spell will not end a spell that does not require concentration, for example, in the case of a Dominate spell the character is still dominated and must follow the commands already given. However, spells that do require concentration such as a wall spell will end if the caster is severed from the spell.
    • Normal defenses against magic do not work against a Sever Magic spell, it is the link that is affected, not the caster, but an Obscure spell will stop the spell. If the caster has multiple magical links, the caster of Sever Magic spell must specify which link is being severed; otherwise the target caster chooses a link to drop.


  • …Obscure        5 Power Points      Latent
    • When invoked, this spell will protect against one Thaumaturgy spell. For example, if someone casts a See Magic spell on a character and they do not want to reveal that they possess any magic items, if the character invokes an Obscure spell then the caster will see no magic when they look at the target character.
    • Important: Unlike most latent spells, an Obscure spell does not have to be announced when it is invoked; there is no characteristic flash of light when this defense is used. If a player invokes an Obscure spell in a manner that is not immediately obvious, they should consult with a Marshal to confirm that the spell was used. For example, if a character uses this spell against a Detect Curse spell to avoid suspicion that they are a werewolf, a Marshal should be informed.
    • An Obscure spell cannot protect against nor prevent a Destroy Magic or Disrupt your Defenses spell.


  • …Dispel Magic        6 Power Points      Instant
    • This spell undoes the effect of one currently active spell. For example, this spell can cancel the effects of most Bond spells, Charm spells, wall spells, etc. The Dispel Magic spell can be cast at the effect of the spell as in the case of Wall of Force or Lock spells or at the character affected by the spell. When the spell is used against the target character directly, the character should make an out-of-game comment indicating which spell is being canceled; if the caster does not specify, then the target player must choose one active spell to be removed.
    • Dispel Magic does not work against latent spells. It also does not work against Imprisonment or Magic Sanctuary, and it cannot undo the creation of undead by the Necromancy School.


Thaumaturgy Rank 1
Thaumaturgy Rank 3
Thaumaturgy Rank 4
Thaumaturgy Rank 5

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